Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Terms of Use

1. Copyright of this website

  • This website is operated by the Implementation Committee for New Concept “Ueno, a Global Capital of Culture.”
  • Except when otherwise specified, the copyrights for all content on this website belongs to the Implementation Committee for New Concept “Ueno, a Global Capital of Culture.” Use of the content on this website for duplication, alteration, sale, publication, and broadcast without permission is prohibited.

2. Links to this website

Links to the top page

Links to the top page of this website (https://wonderer.ueno-bunka.jp) may be made freely. Prior notification is not required.

Request for link deletion

Please be aware that a request may be made to delete the link in the event that the Implementation Committee for New Concept “Ueno, a Global Capital of Culture” deems the link to be inappropriate for any reason.


  • Direct links to images or other end files are prohibited.
  • Pages other than the top page may be changed without prior notice.

3. Regarding the inclusion of images or data on this website or the website itself in publications, or the broadcast of said materials

  • Please inquire in advance regarding said use via email. Please be aware that said requests for provision of information may be denied when said use would violate copyrights.
  • Email address for inquiries: info@ueno-bunka.jp

4. Recommended system requirements

We recommend use of the following browsers for the safe and comfortable use of this website.

For Windows users (versions 10, 8.1)

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0 or later
  • Latest version of Mozilla Firefox
  • Latest version of Google Chrome

For Macintosh users (Mac OS 10.15.3 or later)

  • Latest version of Safari
  • Latest version of Mozilla Firefox
  • Latest version of Google Chrome

Privacy Policy

The Implementation Committee for New Concept “Ueno, a Global Capital of Culture” shall handle all private information gathered in the course of its activities and operations in the following manner.

1. Regarding the collection and use of personal information

The personal information provided by the user shall be utilized for the following purposes.

  • To verify individual identity for the provision of the various services provided by the Implementation Committee for New Concept “Ueno, a Global Capital of Culture.”
  • To conduct statistical analysis
  • To request various questionnaire surveys
  • For the development and operation of other new operations and activities

2. Regarding the use of personal information and the provision thereof to third parties

Personal information shall not be used beyond the scope of the purposes of use described above. Furthermore, except when permission is already granted by the relevant individual, or when requested according to laws and regulations, the personal information shall not be disclosed or provided to third parties. However, the personal information may be consigned to a contractor with which a non-disclosure agreement has been concluded for use within the valid scope of the purposes of use described above. In that event, the Implementation Committee for New Concept “Ueno, a Global Capital of Culture” shall manage and supervise the handling of the personal information by the contractor.

3. Regarding the securing and management of personal information

The Implementation Committee for New Concept “Ueno, a Global Capital of Culture” has implemented appropriate security measures to prevent the unauthorized access, loss, destruction, disclosure, and alteration of the personal information provided by the user.

4. Regarding inquiries concerning the disclosure, correction, and cessation of use of personal information

Please contact info@ueno-bunka.jp regarding the disclosure, correction, and cessation of use of the personal information.

5. Regarding the Personal Information File Registry

At this time, the Implementation Committee for New Concept “Ueno, a Global Capital of Culture” has not created a Personal Information File Register as defined in Article 11 Section 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information Held by Incorporated Administrative Agencies, in accordance with Section 2 of the same Article.