The National Museum of Nature and Science (Kahaku) is well known for its approach that makes “science” fun, friendly and educational. Especially popular among the kids is a space called “ComPaSS”, an exhibition area designed for families and children. It’s a children’s paradise filled with polar bear and dinosaur exhibits, playground equipment and picture books. So, the ComPaSS was the perfect venue for the International Library of Children’s Literture (ILCL) to hold a “story time” event, which took place in conjunction with a themed exhibition organized by the museum. The event was a great success, capturing the hearts of the young audience.
The event was inspired by a themed exhibition at the National Museum of Nature and Science
It is only a few minutes’ walk from the library to the museum; ILCL and Kahaku have always been friendly neighbors.
That’s not all. Both
institutions offer activities that try to nurture children’s imagination
through picture books. Every Saturday, except during summer holidays, the ILCL
hosts “story time” events that include storytelling, where the librarian will recount
old folktales and other stories from memory, and reading-aloud from books. Kahaku’s
ComPaSS has its own “Picture book meets Museum” program, which basically means “Let’s
walk around the museum with a picture book in hand”.
It is the first time that the two institutions got together on a collaboration project. They chose to do a story time event, which was initially inspired by Kahaku’s special exhibition for children “Take a Journey with Picture Books through the History of Life”. The exhibition took place from December 2019 through February 2020.
The “ComPaSS” at the National Museum of Nature and Science (Kahaku) is an exhibition space designed for preschoolers aged four to six, and their parents and guardians. The place is chock full of surprises and activities designed to promote communication between children and parents through play.
Chie Fukui, Chief of Public Relations Section, International Library of Children’s Literature (ILCL) said: “I was excited to hear that Kahaku was planning a special exhibition with a picture book theme — under the supervision of Dr. Manabe Makoto, the famous ‘Dr. Dinosaur’. I really looked forward to the event”. She was extremely impressed when she was invited to the private viewing of the exhibition.
The story time event was the brainchild of Chie Fukui from the International Library of Children’s Literature (ILCL).
“There were many exhibits including dinosaur specimens on display. And there was a picture book section near the entrance, set up in the image of the British vessel “HMS Beagle” that took Charles Darwin on his voyages. The moment I saw the Beagle, I knew that I wanted to do story time right here, I knew the children would love it! So, I dared to make an inquiry. Kahaku not only said yes, but suggested using another venue, ComPaSS, because the space on the “Beagle” might be rather cramped. Of course, I knew about the wonderful ComPaSS, but I never dreamed that we could host a story time event at the ComPaSS! I am so grateful to Kahaku’s cooperation”.
Kiyohiro Fukushima from ILCL reads a story for the children at ComPaSS. He brought along an over-sized picture book so that the children sitting in the back could see the pictures.
So, the day came for the “Story time for children in ComPaSS” event. It was a weekday, so according to Fukui, “We didn’t know how many people would be coming. I was nervous right up to the opening”. But she need not have worried. As the time got closer, children continued to stream in. Dr. Makoto Manabe who supervised the original “Take a Journey with Picture Books through the History of Life” exhibition made it, too. Story time opened to a “packed” audience. It began with singing some nursery rhymes to get the children warmed up. When the librarian asked, “What animal is this?” pointing to its tail, there was an excited response from the children who eagerly called out the answer. There seemed to be a lot of dinosaur fans who visit the ComPaSS to look at the dinosaur exhibits. When the librarian read the book “Hone, Hone, Kyoryu no Hone (Bones, bones, dinosaur bones)”, they listened with rapt attention, studying the illustrated pages carefully.
Story time focused on three books related to the “Take a Journey with Picture Books through the History of Life” exhibition. Other books from the “Take a Journey with Picture Books through the History of Life” exhibition were also on display.
“I was a little nervous because it was a new venue for us. But thanks to the Kahaku staff who were involved in the event from our first meeting, our story time event was included in the ComPaSS program, and things went very smoothly. I think the children had a great time and I was happy to see them enjoy the program to the very end. I hope we can continue to plan collaboration events like this that highlight the strengths of our respective institutions.
Text: Yoko Yuda Photos: Fumitaka Miyoshi
“Story time for children in ComPaSS by librarians from ILCL”
Location: “ComPaSS Exploration area for families with children”, 3F Global Gallery, National Museum of Nature and Science Time and Date: February 19, 2020 (Wed), from 2:10 (for 20 minutes)